Living The Blessed Life...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Birthday Party Info and a Small Request

Happy Day After St. Patrick's Day!!!

With the awesome help of Nana, we've been able to reserve the church fellowship hall for Amelia's birthday party. Yay!!!! We were unable to get it for the Saturday following her birthday so we went with May 8th, the Saturday before. Amelia is such a sweet, charming little long as she's had her nap, so I hope she'll get some good zzzzzz's before she begins to party. ;)

I'm so excited! I want everyone to see the beautiful result of their prayers and positive thoughts over the last year. I don't care two hoots about gifts, I just want to celebrate this awesome gift we've been given. So...come play with us! hehe

I've entered some pictures of Amelia in a few photo contests, two of which the winners are based on the number of votes she receives. Y'all know what's coming. lol Would you pretty please, with a cherry on top, vote for these two pictures of Amelia? *flutters eyelashes*

Easter Photo Contest -

LOL Photo Contest -

We can vote every single day and I just know with all of Amelia's buddies out there, she can win by a landslide! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (The other contest is actually run by professionals so what we say really doesn't matter. lol)

I had planned to do a bit of rambling tonight but I can't seem to keep my eyes from crossing. lol I'm going to hit the hay but I'll talk to you soon.

Don't forget to vote and don't forget to mark your calendar for May 8th!! *grins* Have a great night and a wonderful Friday.

(((((((((((Big Hugs)))))))))))))


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