I've GOT to stop Googling! It starts out innocently enough but the end result is anything but! For the last few days, it's been on my mind more and more that Amelia just won't sit. She would rather stand and we've all joked she would probably walk before she crawled. Ok, so I casually Googled something along the lines of "preemie sitting" or something like that. Of course, I'm lead to none other than a discussion board of nothing but developmental problems of preemies.
Did you know it's not uncommon for preemies to want to stand rather than sit because they didn't spend the third trimester squished in the uterus? Did you know crawling leads to other developmental milestones such as reading, playing ball and climbing stairs? Did you know some professionals will actually teach an older child how to crawl even after they're walking so that those parts of the child's brain will start to connect? Huh? Huh? Did you know? I didn't but I do now.
I did know that walkers, jumpers, and exersaucers weren't very good for the development of preemies especially which is why I've been considering packing ours away for the next baby. (No, I'm not pregnant. I mean the next hypothetical baby.) Amelia doesn't really like her jumper for extended periods anyway and it takes up half the living room. lol She and I spend more time face to face, talking and exercising throughout the day than she spends in the contraption, which I would think is better for her development in the long run. Plus, I get to steal more kisses. hehe
Back to my obsessiveness. I read a little blurb about a child with Cerebral Palsy (which has been a fear of mine since before I gave birth) that said he had some stiffness in one of his legs. Welllllllllllllllllllll, the lady at the NICU follow-up clinic said the only "off" thing she saw with Amelia a few weeks ago were her left leg reflexes were a little bit stiffer than in her right, but she wasn't concerned at this point. Well, does that mean she's not concerned because it's not her child or she's not concerned because there's nothing to be concerned about? I really shouldn't Google.
Are there different exercises I'm supposed to be doing that I'm not? If I stretch her anymore, she's going to be my own little Gumby but, hey, if that's what works....Why won't she sit contentedly for more than 5 seconds without trying to stand or toppling over? Why won't she roll over from belly to back yet? Is she just being stubborn? What if she never crawls and subsequently can't read nor climb stairs? I love to read and appreciate being able to bound a floor of stairs if needed. She HAS to read and the whole stair climbing thing is a plu.! Why am I suddenly so freaked out? Does anyone have a Xanex? I really shouldn't Google.
On a brighter note:
Amelia is now 7 months old (adjusted)!!! Did I tell y'all that her birthday party is May 8th? Well, it is. :-D Wanna see something beautiful? Ok, be right back....
Well, hold your horses!
k, I'm back. :-D
Mom and I took Amelia to visit my Granny last Sunday and this is Amelia giving Great-Granny goodbye kisses. Mom called to tell me afterward that Gran told her that Amelia was so sweet, that she didn't even feel like she was holding a baby...it felt like she was holding an angel. AAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Aren't grandmothers wonderful?!?! *sigh* I love my granny and I'm so glad Amelia will have the same relationship with her grandmothers.
I guess I'm going to take my stressed butt to bed. Well, no...actually, I need to take a shower then go to bed. Mom and I have appointments tomorrow to get hair cuts so I need to get as much of myself ready as possible before Amelia wakes up in the morning. Otherwise, I'll never make it on time! lol
Thanks for reading my totally unwarranted worries. God continues to hold and grow Amelia perfect, healthy and strong. I believe that with all my heart but my mind tends to get in the way sometimes. I guess that's just part of being human. I hope you'll keep us in your prayers and I appreciate your continued support through reading more than you possibly know.
Good night....
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